Monday, 30 March 2015


Hiii, today I thought I would do a post about revision. Obviously, exams are coming up around May so now is definitely the best time to start revising! 

Find somewhere quiet. There is nothing worse than trying to learn something and everyone is talking or the washer's on or something. You will not learn anything if you have distractions all the time.

Feel comfortable. When I'm revising I like to put on a pair of leggings or joggers and a jumper and put a bit of make up on, just some concealer or something. I feel more in the mood to revise if I look a bit more presentable, I guess. 

Find a space where you can spread everything out. If you're struggling for room, you'll find that everything gets a bit jumbled together and it's difficult to know what you're learning and where everything is.  

Make sure you have a proper working pen. I have lost so much time in the past because my pen has run out and then I've never been bothered to get a new one so I'll just give up revising for that day. But that is definitely not the right way to be! 

I love using cue cards because they're really useful for facts and bullet points or a big paragraph that you need to learn. They're just really useful for everything to be honest. And they come in different colours so there's nothing better, is there? You can get 100 cue cards for about £2 in Tesco or WHSmith, I think. 

I like to start with a clean book for revising, I find it a lot easier to organise everything. I find that i don't get mixed up with what I've revised and what I need to revise. I have no idea why, some people might find this extremely weird and unhelpful but it helps me a lot. 

Highlighters and coloured pens are amazing for when you need to put emphasis on something, I guess. It makes it stand out a bit more so it helps to remember it a lot quicker. 

I am a big fan of mind maps, they are incredibly useful! Some topics that I'm doing this year have a lot of sub-topics and I found that A4 paper wasn't bigger enough so I picked up this plain A3 book for £2 which is a lot more useful. 

I hope this has helped some of you and good luck in your exams! 

:) xx

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Winter Favourites

Hiii, this was meant to go up yesterday but other things came up so I apoligise! I'm not actually sure when winter ended, I think it was last week but if I'm a few weeks late, I'm very sorry but here are my winter favourites!  

The first thing that I have been loving is the Rimmel London Wake Me Up Foundation and mine is in the colour 100 Ivory. I think it's a really natural foundation and obviously you never want to have a thick layer of foundation so this is perfect for all year round to be honest. It's fairly good coverage as well and yeah, it's just a really nice foundation. 

I absolutely love the Bourjois blusher in the colour 15 Rose Éclat. They have quite a lot of shades but I picked this one because I thought it was most probably going to be the most natural for me. This has got to be my favourite blusher EVER, it's such a natural colour and you don't need a lot of it when you're applying so it's amazing! 

I've had this quite a while but I love it! It's from The Only Way Is Essex collection which came out a few years ago. I think it's probably my favourite lip gloss. It looks so lovely when you're wearing really natural foundation, I absolutely love it! 

A bit different but I love this lipstick from No7 in the shade Sassy. It's a plummy colour and I reckon it's more of a tint than an actual lipstick but it's one of my favourites all year round as well to be honest. 

Last lipstick, I promise! This is the Avon Ultra Colour Lipatick Shimmering Shades in the colour Chic. I think it's looks gorgeous when you're going somewhere for the day or for the night. I love it a lot. 

Not sure why but I tend to go for pastel colours in the winter...and I have loved wearing these recently. The top is from Avon and the bottom is from the Rita Ora Collectin with Rimmel London in the colour Breakfast In Bed.  

This is my favourite product from this winter. It is the Mark Hill Colour Blast Highlighting Reflecting Conditioner. My hair always looks a bit lifeless in winter and this definitely helps. It adds a really nice shine to your hair as well which is a lot better for the winter!

:) xx

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Disney On Ice!

Hiii, sorry it's been a while! Anyway, today I thought I would share my day out with you because I thoroughly enjoyed it! 

For Christmas, I got my best friend, Alys, tickets for us to go and see Disney on Ice which was being held at Liverpool Echo Arena! We both love Disney and Frozen is her favourite film so when I found out that Frozen was the main feature of it, I thought it would be a really good Christmas present for her. So that's where we went today. I also took a lot of pictures so I'm going to show you them! 

First of all, I thought I'd show you my outfit. I'm not going to say much because that's not the main part of this post so here are just some little details!

Shirt - Look Again
Jeans - Primark
Leather jacket - Topshop
Shoes - Converse 

Like I said, it was held at Liverpool Echo Arena so being the proper tourists we are, we took a picture! For those of you who don't know where it is, it is about a 10/15 minute walk from the centre of Liverpool, so it's incredibly easy to get to! 

When we found our seats we had a bit of time to kill so what better way to spend your time than by taking pictures?! I have to apoligise, my front camera is absolutely terrible so this is the best one I have! 
P.S We were the oldest there. 

We were on the Riverside, block 16, so right at the top and this was our view. They were really good seats because you could see the rink really clearly, even with people sitting in front of you.

The show itself was absolutely incredible! The producers went all out for costumes, set, lights, everything! They did quite a lot of performances which were Beauty and The Beast, Tangled, The Little Mermaid and then lastly they did Frozen. All of the performers were absolutely incredible too! I honestly could not fault anything about the show at all, I thoroughly enjoyed it, you're never too old for Disney! I hope honestly recommend going to see the show, it is so worth it! 

:) xx

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


Hiii, as some of you might know, I went to an AVON evening a couple of weeks ago so I thought I'd tell you a bit about that and I also bought some things whilst I was there so I thought I'd show you them as well! 

Before I start, I am not in any way associated with AVON, this is just my opinion. 

The first thing that we ordered was these bubble baths. They are in the scents Strawberry Sorbet, Lavender, White Lily and Pomegranate & Peony. In case you're wondering, I've lost the Pomegranate & Peony one, I have absolutely no idea where it is! And these were 4 for £5 which I think is really good! My favourite has to be the White Lily, it smells absolutely amazing!

This is the Clear Skin Pore Penetrating Black Mineral Mask which is £3. I had to order this so it only came Sunday I think, so I actually only tried it for the first time today and even though I've only used it once, I love it. It's given me a really natural blush on my face and it's left my skin feeling so soft! 

This is actually my mum's but oh well, it's just a plain nail file which is £1.50!

Next is the Gel Finish Nail Varnish in the colour Prefectly Plum which is £3.75. I've got a lilac purple and a baby pink in the gel and they're so good so when I saw this colour, I had to try it! It's a dark plum colour and it's absolutely gorgeous! 

This is my favourite red nail varnish that I have now. It's from the Hollywood Collection in the colour Leading Lady for £5. It's a really rich red and it's so gorgeous. My mum is really tanned and she wore it last week I think and it looked so amazing, the colour stands out so much!

Like I said at the beginning, I went to a AVON evening where a woman in my village, who is an AVON representative, held this to raise money for our local Guides. She was giving us an insight to what being a representative is like and she was encouraging us to become interested in AVON. 

Personally, AVON is one of my favourite brands. It's so affordable and the products are really high quality. There have been a few products which I have bought from a highstreet store and I've found similar products in AVON for a lot cheaper. 

I'm not saying to completely ditch any other shops and stick to AVON but I honestly think it's worth a look. They have a website so go and check it out! 

:) xx

Sunday, 15 March 2015

The British Tag

Hiii, today I fancied a change so I'm going to do the 'British' tag because I am 100% British. And plus, I couldn't resist. 

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? 
I definitely have one in the morning and one before I go to bed. Between them I have maybe another 2 or 3...So 4/5 cups a day...

2. How many sugars do you have in your tea?

3. What is your favourite part of a roast dinner?
It's got to be the roasters. Aunt Bessy's roasters are 100% the best roasters ever. 

4. What is your favourite dunking biscuit?
Fox's Chunky Coookies. 

5. What is your favourite quintessentially British past time? 
It's got to be watching Wimbledon.

6. What is your favourite British word? 
It has to be 'BLIMEY.' Nothing can beat that word. 

7. Do you know any cockney rhyme slang? 
Dog and bone = phone 
Hank Marvin = starving
Tom and Dick = sick

8. What would you pub be called?

9. Who is your no.1 British person?
That's really difficult. I would say one from One Direction but how can you pick? So I'm going to say Prince Harry. He's wicked. 

10. What is your favourite shop and restaurant? 
There's a really cute Welsh shop in Cardiff which I love called 'Castle Welsh Crafts.' It is the cutest little shop ever, it's so Welsh, I love it. 
My favourite restaurant...That's difficult. I'm going pass this one, I honestly don't know. Sorry!

11. What British song pops into your head? 
Wonderwall - Oasis 
Wannabe - Spice Girls

12. Marmite? 
Absolutely not. 

I had quite a lot of fun doing this actually, it was very interesting to do. I hope you enjoyed it! 

:) xx

Wednesday, 11 March 2015


Hiii, I've been ill today and I decided to have a pamper so I took a bath! I received a lot of bath and 'pamper' products for Christmas but I never sorted them out...(Sorry if you bought me bath things!) so I decided to do it today so I could put them in my bath! Because I got them for Christmas I'm not too sure where they're from so if you know, tell me! Anyway, here we go! 

(Products are from left to right.)

Firstly, these are from The Pampery and they are the Body Mist and Body Lotion. The body lotion has been sat on my desk since Christmas and I've only just figured out how to open it... Anyway, I've used the Body Mist before and it smells gorgeous!

These are from Ted Baker and they are Body Wash, Bath Foam, Body Spray and Body Soufflé. They have a really rich smell but it's absolutely gorgeous! I love the soufflé so much, I love the way it feels on my skin. With most lotions and soufflés, I never really feel the benefit of it a few hours later but I do with this, it lasts a while. 

These are everyone's favourite: Soap & Glory! They are 'The Scrub of your Life' Body Butter, Hand Food Hydrating Hand Cream, 'Clean On Me' Shower Gel and the 'Righteous Butter' Body Moisturiser. I'm not going to say much about these because you know for yourself how amazing these are! 

These are from the 'Along Came Betty' collection which  I know you can get from Tesco. They come in this set and you get the 'Shimmer Me Softly' Bath Crystals, 'Cream of all Creams' Body Lotion, 'Hands that do Wishes' Hand Lotion, 'So Much Bubble' Bath Soak and the 'Say You Scrub Me' Skin Buffer. One of the reasons why I love this collection is because of the little messages they put on the bottle - on the bath soak it says: 'Use of this product can result in neglect of household chores.' How cute are they though?!

My Nan got me this set from The Body Shop which includes Body Lotion, Fragrance Mist and Shower Gel all of which are in the scent Japanese Cherry Blossom. I was a bit skeptical at first about trying Japanese Cherry Blossom, I thought it was a weird scent but it is one of the most amazing smells EVER. I cannot describe how amazing the smell is, you have to try it! 

Lastly, is the One Direction Our Moment Shower Gel which you can get from Boots, Superdrug and probably most stores actually. This is quite expensive so I tend to use this for parties/special occasions. It smells a lot like the perfume so it's really useful wearing them both because it lasts a lot longer!

I hope you enjoyed this! Like I said, if you know where I can get these from, let me know and if you want anymore information on them, then leave me a message! 

:) xx

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Make Up Starter Kit

Hiii, today I have a make up starter kit for you which basically has everything I think you will need if you're starting to wear make up. Some of you have probably seen some of these before but this is my take on it! 

Before I start, I need to apologize for the pictures! I had to change where I was taking them just for today and they all have shadows so I'm very sorry! 

 The first thing that is essential when you're wearing make up is a good face wash. I picked up the Simple Kind To Skin Refreshing Facial Wash Gel a few weeks ago and I love it. It's about £3 and it's so worth it! I have noticed an incredible difference in the last few weeks so if you're starting to wear make up or you already wear it, this is definitely something I would recommend! 

Another product that is essential is moisturiser. The one I tend to use is the Nivea Daily Essentials Light Moisturising Day Cream. As well as keeping your skin fresh, moisturiser helps as a base for your foundation which is so useful!

If you are lucky enough to have good skin, I would use tinted moisturiser rather than a foundation. One that I found works really well is the Natural Collection Tinted Moisturiser. It comes in three different colours and this is the Natural shade which is £1.99. I still use tinted moisturiser now, for example, if I'm having a good skin day (which is not very often) and I'm just popping to town for half an hour, I'll wear this so I don't have to go through the whole process of putting make up on when there's no need to. 

However if you're looking for something with a bit more coverage because like me, you have bad skin, then I would recommend the Rimmel London Lasting Finish 25 Hour Foundation which is £7.99. I have had this since I started wearing make up and it was so useful at the beginning because it gave me good coverage without it being too thick.  

One thing that isn't essential is concealer. But just in case, I would recommend the Rimmel London Wake Me Up Concealer. This is £5.49 but it is so worth it! I've used this since I started wearing make up and I still wear it now. It just adds a little bit more coverage in places like under your eyes or on spots. 

On to mascara, this is probably one of my favourites and it is the Collection Lengthening Mascara and it is £2.99. This isn't the one that I used but I didn't know about this at the time. With most mascaras, you can't wear them for day and night but with this one you can. It lasts a good few hours so there's no need to keep re-applying it throughout the day. 

The Collection Work The Colour Nude Eye Palette can be used for two things which are eyeshadow or for eyesbrows. It is £2.99 from Boots. Before I started filling in my eyebrows, I used this as an eyeshadow palette. The colours are so easy to wear and they are simple to apply. As for eyesbrows, I don't like thick eyebrows so I go for a more natural brow by just filling them in with some eyeshadow. 
What I really like about this palette is the fact that it comes with a 'How To Use' section on the back which is so useful if you're just starting out.   

I know a lot of people like bolder colours so this one is definitely useful. I can't find this one in the brochure or on the website but they do very similar ones for about £7. I found it really useful when I was starting to get into eyeshadow so I would definitely say it's worth a try. My cousin has one and she's 14 and I know she loves it as well, especailly with the colours. 

I hope you enjoyed this! I tried to keep it as simple and as cheap as possible, so I hope it was helpful! 

:) xx

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Healthy Hair

Hiii, today I have a post on how I keep my hair healthy. I didn't realise how important it was to keep my hair in good condition until about 2-3 years ago so since then I've definitely tried harder to keep it healthy. 

I used to get my hair highlighted quite a lot but I've stopped dying and highlighting and I've stopped using straighteners so much and I have noticed a massive difference in my hair. Anyway, here are the products that I use! 

The shampoo that I use is the Tresemmé Keratin Smooth for restore and control. It's about £5, I think and I'm pretty sure you can get it from most highstreet stores (Even Tesco sells it! - It's actually on offer there at the moment). Me and my mum swear by this shampoo, we've used it for years and it's so good!

For conditioner, I use the Tresemmé Keratin Smooth for restore and control. This is also about £5 and you can get it from most highstreet shops. Sometimes I'm in a bit of a rush so I'll skip conditioner but 99% of the time, I'll use it. Obviously, it's the same make as the shampoo so they work really good together. You honestly use the smallest amount of conditioner, the bottle lasts ages!

I've tried a lot of heat protection sprays and they'll all left my hair looking and feeling horrible and this one is the only one that's worked for me. This is the Fudge Liquid Erekt spray which you can use up to heats of 220˚C, which is very handy. I found out about this from my hairdresser so I get mine from there but I've looked and you can get it from Look Fantastic for the same price (£10.45). It is a little bit pricey but if you've gone through so many bad sprays like I have, you don't mind paying a little bit extra!

This isn't a product but I tried to avoid straightening my hair as much as I can. I'll straighten my fringe but apart from that, I'll do it maybe once a week. I did a post a few weeks about how I do my hair for school so go and check that out and that helps in avoiding the straighteners as much as possible. 

I hope you enjoyed it! If you need anymore information on any of the product, then just ask! 

:) xx