Hiii, today I thought I would do a post about revision. Obviously, exams are coming up around May so now is definitely the best time to start revising!
Find somewhere quiet. There is nothing worse than trying to learn something and everyone is talking or the washer's on or something. You will not learn anything if you have distractions all the time.
Feel comfortable. When I'm revising I like to put on a pair of leggings or joggers and a jumper and put a bit of make up on, just some concealer or something. I feel more in the mood to revise if I look a bit more presentable, I guess.
Find a space where you can spread everything out. If you're struggling for room, you'll find that everything gets a bit jumbled together and it's difficult to know what you're learning and where everything is.
Make sure you have a proper working pen. I have lost so much time in the past because my pen has run out and then I've never been bothered to get a new one so I'll just give up revising for that day. But that is definitely not the right way to be!
I love using cue cards because they're really useful for facts and bullet points or a big paragraph that you need to learn. They're just really useful for everything to be honest. And they come in different colours so there's nothing better, is there? You can get 100 cue cards for about £2 in Tesco or WHSmith, I think.
I like to start with a clean book for revising, I find it a lot easier to organise everything. I find that i don't get mixed up with what I've revised and what I need to revise. I have no idea why, some people might find this extremely weird and unhelpful but it helps me a lot.
Highlighters and coloured pens are amazing for when you need to put emphasis on something, I guess. It makes it stand out a bit more so it helps to remember it a lot quicker.
I am a big fan of mind maps, they are incredibly useful! Some topics that I'm doing this year have a lot of sub-topics and I found that A4 paper wasn't bigger enough so I picked up this plain A3 book for £2 which is a lot more useful.
I hope this has helped some of you and good luck in your exams!
:) xx